Courses with Dr. Kathy
Character is destiny. This powerful statement reminds us of the importance of developing and nurturing our character traits to shape our kids to their identity in Christ and their future serving Him. We discuss various ways to teach and build character in ourselves and our children, ultimately leading to a more committed, obedient, and fulfilling life in Christ.
Complaining is the result of something. As parents, we often feel it's a deep-seated issue that will require a ton of work. But Dr. Kathy gives critical perspectives of where complaining comes from, how to approach a complaining kid, and how to communicate in a way that loves, respects, and guides kids away from habits of complaining.
End Strong, Start Fresh
As the school year winds down and summer is approaching, many parents feel a weight on what might have been missed or could have been done better. End Strong, Start Fresh is an online course designed to guide a solid end to the school year without guilt and propel to summer with energy.
Learn how to address and resolve lingering tensions. Discover how to express gratitude and appreciation for what impacted your child’s year. Understand the importance of closure through meaningful goodbyes. And Prepare for the transition from the current chapter to the next adventure.