Dreaming with Your Kids: The Balance Between Hope and Reality
Have you ever watched your child dream big? Maybe they want to be a doctor, a firefighter, or the next great inventor of chocolate-covered pizza. Dreams are beautiful. They spark excitement, drive, and endless possibilities.
But as parents, we also know that life isn’t just about dreaming. It’s about turning those dreams into something real that aligns with where they are right now.
Dr. Kathy talks about how helping kids shape their dreams within reality doesn’t squash their creativity. Instead, it empowers them. It builds confidence. It gives them the skills to move forward with hope, not frustration.
So how do we do that? How do we encourage our kids to dream big without setting them up for disappointment?
Teach Them to Dream in Steps
Some kids are big-picture thinkers. They see the final dream, a championship trophy, a bestselling book, a life-changing invention, but they struggle with how to get there. Others focus on the details but get stuck when they don’t see instant results.
We can help them bridge that gap. If your child wants to be an astronaut, start today:
“What can you learn about space today?”
“Which books or documentaries would be fun?”
“What skills do astronauts need that you can start practicing?”
For kids who love order and structure, the ones who organize their LEGO bricks by color, help them make a step-by-step plan. For the dreamers who see the big picture but forget their socks in the fridge, help them imagine what small actions lead to the big moment.
Connect Dreams to Real Life
If a child loves singing but struggles to hit the high notes, that doesn’t mean they’ll never be a singer; they need practice, coaching, and maybe a shift in approach.
Some kids are born to be leaders, but they need to learn patience and responsibility. Others have a deep love for animals but need to understand what it really means to be a vet; sadly, it’s not just cuddling puppies.
Help your child see that their dream isn’t a no-go; it just might look different than they first imagined.
Keep Hope Alive
Dreams are so personal. When a child starts feeling like their dream is too far out of reach, they can lose hope. Our job? To remind them that hope is not just wishful thinking; it’s what fuels action.
Jesus met people where they were and showed them a future that was possible because of their circumstances, not in spite of them. We can do the same.
If your child struggles in school but wants to be an engineer, remind them that problem-solving isn’t just about grades; it’s about thinking creatively and trying again.
If they want to play sports but aren’t the fastest, help them see the value of teamwork and strategy.
Hope isn’t about ignoring reality; it’s about knowing what’s possible and taking action toward it.
3 Simple Ways to Engage Your Kids on This Topic
Dream Together. Sit down with your kids and ask, “What’s something you’d love to do one day?” No judgment. Just fun dreaming.
Break It Down. Once they share their dream, ask, “What’s one small step we could take this week toward that?”
Encourage Their Growth. When challenges come up, reframe setbacks as part of the process rather than an end to the dream.
How to Help Your Child Dream According to Their Smarts
Dr. Kathy explains that kids are wired differently. Each child engages with dreams and reality in their own unique way. Try these ideas based on how your child thinks best:
Music Smart: Create a playlist of songs about perseverance and talk about the lyrics together. How does music help us keep dreaming?
Logic Smart: Help them make a “Dream Plan.” What steps will they need to take? What skills should they learn?
Word Smart: Have them write a story about their future self. What will their day look like? What challenges will they overcome?
Picture Smart: Encourage them to draw or create a vision board of their dreams. Let them visualize their steps toward success.
Body Smart: Find a hands-on way to experience their dream. Do they want to be a doctor? Take them to a science museum. Do they love sports? Set up a mini-practice session at home.
People Smart: Connect them with someone with experience in their dream field. Even a short chat can inspire them!
Nature Smart: Take a walk and talk about how plants grow over time. Dreams work the same way; they start small and need care to grow.
Self-smart: Give them time to reflect. Some kids need space to process their dreams and take their next steps on their own.
Remember: Dreams are not just fairy tales but blueprints for what’s possible. We're not limiting our kids' dreams when we help them connect their dreams to reality. We’re giving them the tools to actually make them happen.
So, let’s encourage, guide, and remind them that the dreams God places in their hearts matter. And that with hope, action, and a little bit of reality, those dreams can become something real and beautiful.